Monday, September 03, 2007

Double Fusion: Double the In-Game Ads

Double Fusion, a private company that connects advertisers and video game publishers, plans to roll out new technology on Tuesday to allow advertisers to mount last-minute ad campaigns in games the same way they use spot TV ads.

The technology is set to be shown to developers at the Austin Game Developers Conference in Texas starting on Wednesday.

Game designers now designate and hard-code locations for in-game advertising during the development process. After the coding is completed, advertising content can be changed via an Internet connection, but locations for ads cannot be changed or added.

Double Fusion's new program, called fusion.runtime, separates in-game advertising from the development process, allowing developers to create new placements in completed games, including back catalog titles.


Unknown said...

i want to know if you are intrested in exchanging links in our pages,which have mainly the same purpose inform about videogames,i think it would be great if we advertise our blogs like this..mi mail ,this way our pages could ahve more visits..

The Sports Satirist said...

There is no turning back after Burnout.

Ambarato said...

I wish there were more in-game ads for modern-based games. It would make it more realistic eg. pepsi vending machines in GTA instead of sprunk or whatever they called it.
Although, I don't want mountain dew ads in my warcraft.